Blason de La TurbieTitre Course du TrophéeBlason de La Turbie

Section 1: Race description

Welcome to the "Course du Trophee" website. This race is open to everyone and takes place traditionally on second Sunday of September. It offers a fast course on a distance of 14.14 kilometers and with 360 meters of cumulative positive vertical drop.
A departure for walkers is given one hour before onto the same route.

Section 2: Route

This race starts from avenue des Anciens Combattants d'Afrique du Nord at La Turbie, ending at the same place after passing the Fort de la Revère by St-Pierre track, the Col d'Eze and returning to La Turbie by the Grande Corniche.
14.5 kilometers courseThe first supply is at Fort de la Revère, 6.5 kilometers after departure.

Section 3: Organization

Race date: Second Sunday of September (33rd edition on Sunday, September 11th, 2022)
Race number pick-up: The morning of the race, from 8am up to departure time
Start time: 10am for runners, 9am for walkers
Length: 14.14 kilometers
Total drop: 360 meters
Start and arrival location Avenue des Anciens Combattants d'Afrique du Nord, under La Turbie city hall
Race open to Men and Women, from Cadet to Master 10 categories.
Race counting for challenge Spiridon Côte d'Azur and departmental challenge FFA.

Section 4: Registration fee

Registration fee of €13 per person on BEFORE Friday, September 8th, 6pm.
Registration is limited to 200 participants.
Registration on site, the morning of the race, within the limit of a few bibs available.

Section 5: Ranking and awards

Cup to first three men and first three women.
Medal to the first man and the first woman of running categories Cadet, Junior, Espoir, Senior, Master 0 up to Master 10.
Cup to first three men and first three women in walking.
No combination of awards.

Section 6: Terms and conditions

To attend the race, participants having a license have to present it and non-licensed ones have to present a medical certificate of non-indication against the practice of running (or walking) in competition, dating less than a year, under the rules of the FFA. Minors must present parental authorization.
The riders are committed to respecting the traffic rules and running on the right side of the roadway.
Because of his commitment, the participant agrees to any use of his image on the event as part of its promotion.

First aid: Fire brigades of Eze and La Turbie.

Civil liability: The organizers are covered by an insurance policy subscribed with the GAN in Monte Carlo.

Personal accident insurance: Participants with a license benefit from the guarantees granted by insurance related to their license. It is up to other participants to insure themselves personally.

Duties: The organizers accept no responsibility for any accident and/or immediate or future failure. In addition, they can put out of the race any participant in poor apparent physical condition and disclaim responsibility in case of theft that may occur during the event.

The race will be closed at 12:20pm. Participants who have not yet terminated will have to get into the broom car. If they prefer to continue, they will have to give their bib to the driver of the broom car and will continue under their own responsibility.

According to the regulations on the day of the event, you may be asked to present an identity document and the vaccination pass.

Section 7: Event jury

It consists of the city Mayor or his representative, the President of the ASCT, the Race Director and an FFA representative.
Claims will be acceptable in written form after the display of the temporary or definitive results.